Monday 3 August 2009


A dear friend recognised the different Caras within my writing, which is just how I see myself, having lived so many different lives, been through various stages of growth, wants, desires and health. I feel there are a few of me rattling around. Not sure who knows them all, not sure I even know them all or want to. My perception of self being so fragmented, life broken down into segments of memory. The blanks, are they where my life stories have begun and ended? I suppose talking of fragmentation is quite apt because that is how this blog is too, the limit of writing in twenty minutes make for a jigsaw as I wander between times, ideas and styles of writing. It’ll be interesting to see if after a few months there will be a number of stories running parallel within the blog that can be pieced together to make wholes. To be honest I also find almost every piece to be fragmented too. Rarely do I feel that a morceau is correctly put together, they never seem to end as they should. I find myself staring at a section knowing it's not quite right in syntax or artistry but all I can do is fixate, I can’t find the error. It’s annoying to say the least. It's what happens when you write the first thing that comes to mind, or at least it's what happens to me, it’s probably a fair reflection of the inner working of my brain, the flotsam and jetsam if you will and how suddenly it freezes up, goes on strike and says that’s it, that’s all I've got for you.


  1. johnwillows said...

    Well I think your writing is WONDERFUL.I still say NO errors.
    Considering all things, you're great.