Disclaimer: I can't guarantee that you will like, understand or agree with what you read. However, I can assure you that it comes from an honest place. If you are offended or shocked then of course I am sorry but this blog really is to help me with my own sanity through the insanity of chronic illness. I am physically and cognitively affected and I have a lot of limitations but the one thing the illness cannot constrain is my thoughts which are infinite. Therefore this blog is my way of sticking two fingers up at my illness. I hope you'll forgive the horrible errors, but due to my cognitive problems it is difficult for me to not only write but almost impossible for me to edit in any great detail. I am a trilingual, ex English teacher so it is frustrating for me not to be able to search for structural and grammatical errors. This blog is called The Limit as I can only manage to write for twenty to thirty minutes per day. Each submission is done within these restrictions. I hope you will find something of interest amongst my CFS mumblings.
je les aime tous !!!!!!!!!! et surtout TRUST
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